Women Nichepreneurs in Saudi Arabia – Are you willing to work hard to achieve success?


It may appear that some people don’t work a lot of hours and make tons of money, but in truth, that is rare. Most of us do not start our businesses with big budgets for start-up or with a built-in customer base, so we will need to contribute sweat equity. This means hard work. If you are willing to study business in addition to being an expert in your industry, you have a shot. You will need to do things you find uncomfortable, like speaking in front of groups or incurring debt, to make it successful. Then you’ll have to keep doing it and be patient. Bottom line: you have to really, really want it.

Women Nichepreneurs in Saudi Arabia – Is there a good target market to whom you have access?

Niche Is Not About Products But Markets

Unless you have a huge marketing budget, you must have a clear, accessible target market. If you have defined your target as corporate people, this is too vague and too large, and how would you gain access? If your target is stay-at-home mothers, do they gather somewhere that you can access them, and can they afford your product? Ask the hard questions.

Women Nichepreneurs in Saudi Arabia – Is there a market for your product?

In other words, is your competition making a profit? Are you sure of that? Also consider, do you need to have any special contacts that you don’t currently have, and can you make that happen? If your product is so cutting edge that there really isn’t any competition, do you have the resources (time, people and financing) to introduce it and educate your target market about it?

10 Reasons Not to Quit Your Day Job



Have you been dreaming about starting your own business?  Are you dying to quit your job?  Well, don’t quit your job just yet.  You might be surprised at how important your miserable job is to the success of your new business.

This weekend I started reading Jon Acuff’s new bookQuitter.  Boy, when reading this book, I felt like Jon and I were in a mind-meld.  This is a great book for anyone thinking about starting a business.

I can hear you asking yourself, “Well, if this is such a great book for someone wanting a start a business, why are you telling me not to quit my job?”  Simply put, a day job is a great asset for an aspiring entrepreneur.

Here are my 10 reasons not to quit your day job.  The first three come from Jon’s book, and the rest build upon his ideas.

1.  Freedom to Create the Perfect Business – Once you are dependent on the income from your business, you will have a ton of financial demands.  If you are desperate for money during the building stage, chances are you will not be able to turn down work that does not fit your ideal business vision.  Use the time at your day job to create the foundation for your business so that the business you create is the perfect one for you.

2.  Stay Dangerous – Similar to reason one above, if you are not dependent on your day job for money, you can take bigger risks with your side business.  Use this time to push yourself.  Wonderful things happen when you can take risks.

3.  Discipline and focus – This one is counter-intuitive, but Jon’s thoughts completely match my own experience.  People who are busy are more disciplined and focused.  And, building a business while working a day job certainly will keep you busy.  Over the last four year, I have had to be laser focused in my free time to be able to build a business after working 60 hour weeks in my day job.

4.  Practice Make Perfect – Most people who are just starting a business aren’t great right from the start.  While you still have a day job, use this time to practice running your business.

5.  Pay Off Debt – Debt is the enemy of new business owners.  You can’t afford to be writing interest payment checks to banks while you are trying to grow your business.  So while you still have a job, pay off your debt.  This is where I am at in my journey to unemployment.  I promised my wife that I would pay off my law school debt before going full time.  So over the next two years, I have a plan in place to pay off this debt.

6.  Build an Emergency Fund – The financial stresses on new business owners are enormous.  Employees can count on steady pay checks, but most business owners experience slow times where cash flow is tight.  While you still have your day job, build an emergency fund equal to 6 to 12 months of your expenses.

7.  Education – There are a lot of things to learn before starting a business.  While you have your job, learn as much as you can about business.  Learn how to blogLearn how to build an online communityLearn how to write great blog articlesLearn how to set up a blogLearn how to get over creative blocks.

8.  Improve your People Skills – Business is all about people skills.  Use this time to improve your people skills.  Learn how to be engaging.  Learn how to treat your customers.  Learn how to treat your employees.  Learn how to network.  Learn how to use social media.

9.  Get to Know Yourself – Knowing who you are is vital to being a successful business owner.  So get to know yourself.  What are your strengths?  What are your weaknesses?  What type of work do you love to do?

10.  Grow Your Business – Last but not least, use the stability of your day job to grow your business.  Until your business is up an running and growing nicely, there is no reason to quit your day job.  While you will be busy, you can build your business in your off hours.

Are you building a business while still holding a day job?  If so, I would love to hear about your experience.

by The Solo Biz Coach

The Laws to Success and the Guidelines to Making Them Work

In this blog, I will be talking about six mental laws that will bring anyone that follows them all the success they desire. Some of you may ask, is it that simple? The reality is, it’s very SIMPLE, but it may not be so easy. But anything worth having is worth working towards. I hope you are able to use these truths to better your life and the lives of those around you. Many books have been written concerning these laws and you can find some of most powerful ones ever written on this subject.

The Law of Control
You feel good about yourself to the extent that you feel in control of your life. When you are working toward a goal that you feel good about and for which you have made a conscious decision to target, your actions support your feelings of being in control of your destiny.

The Law of Cause and Effect
For every effect in your life, there is a definite or specific cause. Change the cause and get rid of the effect.

The Law of Belief
Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality. Whatever your belief system supports is what you become. If you believe with feeling that you will be a success, you will be. The same is true if you believe you will become a failure.

The Law of Expectations

Whatever you “expect” with confidence becomes your self-fulfilling prophecy. Not what you want, but what you expect!

Law of Attraction
You are a living magnet and attract whatever is in alignment with your dominant thoughts. Like attracts like and when you are clear about what you want to attract, you will. When you couple your desire with the intensity of feeling that comes with why you want the things you want, it will come.

Law of Correspondence
Your outer world corresponds to your inner world. You must be, rather than do! You cannot have a filthy car, wrinkled clothes and smell bad, while convincing yourself and those around you that what is going on inside of you is congruent with your stated desire to be the epitome of outward success.

What are the keys to making these Laws of Success work?

The first is….

Attitude will overcome any obstacle. Attitude will change anyone that uses it and will create an advantage over any other person that doesn’t have the same burning desire and positive attitude. Having an attitude of confidence and of positive expectations will win over superior abilities. But, how do you find that positive and unstoppable attitude? Through blogs just like this one! Through seminars, books, cds, and mentorship!

Remember, it is not what you want, it is what you expect! Do you expect to find a parking spot close to the door, do you expect to make a putt, do you expect to close a sale or do you expect to be broke, depressed and to never win? What you expect, with intensity of feeling, is what you get. What causes you to have the expectations you have?

If you believe, with all your heart and soul that you will never quit or give up until you reach your goal, you will. If you believe that you have the talent, worthiness and what it takes to achieve what you have set out to achieve, you will. If you believe there is no way you will attain the things you want and that they are only dreams, then that is what they will remain: Dreams. So the question you have to ask yourself how do you come to have your beliefs?

What you have been told either directly or indirectly by those that helped to shape you, and what you have chosen to believe about what they told you about yourself, is what you are using to determine who you are. You have a self concept about your weight, your golf game, your singing voice, your income and all the different abilities in each and every area of your life. In other words, you believe you are capable of making changes, of becoming successful, of being highly respected, of being what ever it is you have become.

And the one key element necessary to create the best possible self-concept is to love yourself. And loving yourself is not vain bordering on the unhealthy. It is and has been a part of the wisdoms passed down through the ages. In the bible it is said to “love your neighbor as you love yourself”. Can you hate yourself and love your neighbor? Of course not!

Try this: Stand in front of a mirror and say fifty to one hundred times, “I like myself” and not smile. You can’t do it! Over and over tell yourself that you simply like you. That is a start and a big one!

The single most powerful way to implement all of these Laws of Success, is to control your thoughts and emotions; which lead to feelings, which lead to having whatever it is that you want and truly expect. Recognizing these 6 laws and implementing the keys to making them work will get you on track to accomplishing all of your hopes and ambitions. I look forward to hearing from you on your progress!

God Bless and Good Luck in your Endeavors!

Reco McDaniel

This article was written by Reco McDaniel. As a successful entrepreneur, Reco serves as president and CEO of two Atlanta-based marketing companies, C.O.D.E. R.E.D. Marketing (CRM) and Elite Profit Network (EPN). From coaching and consulting executives and sales teams on a monthly basis with CRM, to leading EPN in establishing strategic partnerships with hundreds of online distributors to deliver quality products and services, to providing solid home-based business opportunities nationwide, Reco is one of the greatest business minds of our time. For more information on Reco McDaniel, visit www.RecoMcDaniel.com.

How To Gain Self Confidence, Starting Today!



Reco McDaniel
Do you have self-confidence? Do you really believe that you can have success in your business and your life? Self Confidence is one of the main ingredients to success!

Many people are under the impression that everyone except themselves has self-confidence. They believe they are the unlucky ones, the doomed ones, so they sluggishly walk around day in and day out mesmerized with the thought that the happy and successful people were born with self-confidence.

Well, that simply is not the case. Did you know that rich and successful people were not born with self-confidence? They had to foster, develop and build on their self-confidence. And they kept practicing and building on that self-confidence until they gained unstoppable momentum to the point where they have become extremely confident.

They had to work daily, consistently, and persistently to plant the confidence seed, nurture it, and shape it in a particular area. High achievers, successful, and rich people had to learn the strategies to raising self-esteem, attaining courage, growing and nurturing self-confidence.

It is important for you to realize that, the same way that they had learned self-confidence, you too, can learn it; if you really want to. The great thing about that is you can do so in the same way as when you learned to drive a car, cook, play tennis, or make cold calls to your prospects.

You might have lacked self-confidence to start with, but with practice and repetition your self-confidence grew. Your first driving lesson might have been troublesome. Your second less troublesome, and as you progressed on to the fourth and fifth your self-confidence would be growing, gaining momentum lesson after lesson.

It’s the same with many aspects in life. Whenever you start something new, you will probably lack a certain amount of self-confidence. In time, that confidence will grow and you will have unstoppable confidence.

Many successful people were school drop-outs, shy, introverts, some totally withdrawn, yet they managed to step out of that limiting comfort zone and tackle what has held them back from success; they went for a stroll outside their comfort zone, one stride at a time, each stride building on the other, each stride of confidence building on the other. In due course, not only did they have all the self-confidence that they wanted, but they became much more confident. It became a part of their being.

Self-confidence boils down to how you think and feel about yourself. It is an emotional feeling that can drive your beliefs to allow you to do all that you want. Self-confidence lets you achieve your true potential and to accomplish all that you desire.

Remember, you can learn to have all the confidence you need the same way that others did. You can have unlimited, unstoppable self-confidence, and the simplest and quickest way to kick-start self-confidence is for you to accept the fact that self confidence is an acquired process and can be learned.

Below I will share some critical steps that will help you gain self-confidence starting today:

1. Get your behind out of your mind!
It is impossible to move into a more prosperous future, living in a past filled with failure! Stop focusing on what happened then, start planning now, and anticipate all of your success to come later!

2. Believe in yourself and your abilities!

If you don’t believe in YOU, then who will?  Start thinking about things you are good at, and imagine yourself being good at whatever you seek to have this new self-confidence in doing. If you believe you are the BEST long enough, even if you don’t become the best, you will get really close!

3. Adjust your associations.
Sometimes we hang around people that don’t believe in themselves which influence our thoughts and opinions of ourselves. If they don’t believe they can do something, they will try to persuade you that it is impossible as well. Always remember, you are who you hand around and you are who you listen to.

4. Make an effort to dive into personal growth and self-development material.
There are many books, blogs, audio CDs, DVD series, and websites catered towards helping you become a more confident you.

5. Dress nicely and Groom Yourself.
This seems to be obvious for many people, but some are absent from this thought increasing your chances for more self-confidence. Dressing nicely and grooming yourself improve self-image, which in turn, improve self-confidence. You don’t have to run out and buy a $1000 suit, but nice casual dress clothes and a clean shave or hair do if you’re a lady, could make you feel better about yourself and where you’re going.

6. Develop faith of a higher source.
I’m not here to give a religious sermon, but this is where God helps me out tremendously with belief and confidence in myself. You need to have faith and belief in something or someone bigger and better than you that is on your side helping you fight along the way to your journey towards success!

7. Give it a shot!
Wayne Gretzky once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!” This makes so much sense! If you want something and you don’t try to achieve it, it is 100% guaranteed that you would not obtain that desire. If you try and fail, the reality is, you can always try again. The best part about failure; you learn how to do it better the next time!

These are a few steps to surely help you initiate the process to gaining the self-confidence you need to start taking control of your life TODAY! Start claiming that you are Self–Confident and watch your actions expedite towards a better life and a better you!

God Bless and Good Luck in Your Endeavors!

Reco McDaniel

This article was written by Reco McDaniel. As a successful entrepreneur, Reco serves as president and CEO of two Atlanta-based marketing companies, C.O.D.E. R.E.D. Marketing (CRM) and Elite Profit Network (EPN). From coaching and consulting executives and sales teams on a monthly basis with CRM, to leading EPN in establishing strategic partnerships with hundreds of online distributors to deliver quality products and services, to providing solid home-based business opportunities nationwide, Reco is one of the greatest business minds of our time. For more information on Reco McDaniel, visit www.RecoMcDaniel.com.

5 Ways to Go from Potential to Success


I’d like to start this blog entry off by asking you a simple question, “Do you have the potential to become successful?”

Hopefully everyone would answer that question as a yes! But having potential alone is not enough. If you look up the word potential in the dictionary, it defines the word as: Something possessing the capacity for growth or development. So potential, alone cannot guarantee you any type of success.

If you have been to any of my seminars or business opportunity meetings, I talk about not just merely having potential, but rather exploring your potential. Exploration of potential is more important than potential alone.
Exploration defined is to travel to an unknown place for the purpose of discovery. So this means, you have to go somewhere you’ve never been and do something you’ve never did to have something you’ve never had! In short, to have something different, you have to do something different!

Do you know someone with an extraordinary talent? Maybe that person is a gifted athlete, artist, or musician. Or perhaps that person has a mind for business, is a master with numbers, or knows precisely how to handle people. Although this person has these gifts that some people would die for, they never seem to use their gift to help them reach their full potential. Or maybe they are applying their skills but just can’t seem to get past a certain level of accomplishment. Maybe you know someone like that. Maybe that someone is you. Everyone has the potential to be someone great. But sometimes the journey to greatness seems so impossible most never make the trip. Others start the journey but get so discouraged by obstacles and setbacks that they give in before they reach their destination.

Here are five steps you can take to harness your potential so you can get to the promise land of success.

1. Know Your Direction
If someone were to ask you where do you see yourself financially in 5 years what would you say? You might say something like “I’d like to have enough money to get out of debt or buy a bigger house”. Those are good goals to have but how much money is enough money? Most people generalize their goals so much that specifics of what they want aren’t clear to them. That’s like if you asked someone where they were going on their vacation and they said, “We’re going to Florida and we’re staying near a beach”. You’d probably wonder where in Florida and which beach? If that person is really planning on going to Florida they are eventually going to have to decide whether they want to go to Daytona, Miami, or Key West. Once they’ve decided to go to Miami then getting there will be easier. The same is true of your goals. Write your goals down so you can see them. The sooner you know where you are going, the sooner you will get there.

2. Always Practice Your Potential

The most common mistake that most people make on their voyage is that they are not prepared for opportunities. The reason that they are not prepared for opportunities is that they did not practice their potential. In order for you to succeed you must be prepared for success. For example consider former NBA basketball player Steve Kerr of the Chicago Bulls. He would practice relentlessly and shoot hundreds of shots a day. Kerr’s most memorable moment came in 1997 championship game when his teammate Michael Jordan passed him the ball and Steve made the game winning shot. Although Steve Kerr shot hundreds of shots in preparation for the games, he only attempted a few shots a game. So why practice a hundred shots if you are only going to shot a few? Because those hundreds of shots Steve Kerr took were to prepare him for that one crucial time when he would need to make one important shot. You see if you want to succeed at something you have to be prepared for that moment of success. Read up on how others have succeeded where you want to succeed and be prepared for your moment when it comes.

3. Start Developing Successful Habits
The difference between the people who succeed and the people who fail lie in their habits. Most people might shrug off bad habits as something they’ve always done and will always do so there is no point in changing them. The truth is the very habits that they have accepted are the very reason they have not found success in some areas of their lives. If you were a manager and you had a choice to promote two people one who had a habit of being tardy and not completing assignments and another who was always early and saw a project through to completion, which one would you choose?

4. Stay the Course
Success is a journey. This journey is littered with obstacles and setbacks that are designed to test your resiliency. These obstacles can be discouraging and can create the feeling of failure. Once that feeling is there you may entertain thoughts of giving up the journey. In order for you to bounce back quickly you must prepare yourself for these obstacles internally and externally. Do all that you can to prevent these setbacks from happening but if they do happen, remind yourself of your goal. Surround yourself with positive people who will encourage you when you are tempted to give up. Keep motivational materials around also. Posting motivational quotes or reading success stories may give you that recharge that you need to keep you going. This blog is also a GREAT place to always reference to stay the course. If you stay the course, you can be sure to reach your goals!

5. Help Others So YOU Keep on Succeeding
Accomplishments feel good and encourage us to continue on to where we want to go. But once we succeed there is a way to keep on succeeding. The journey of success is never boring and never easy. There is always someone out there who will look at the things you have accomplished and wish they could do the same. Helping others succeed is the best way to keep on succeeding. Since you made it through the fire and came out a success, you’ve gained a lot of experience and will probably have a lot to share. Imagine the encouragement someone will feel when you tell them the story of your success and how you made it through those same obstacles that they are now facing. Passing on knowledge, resources, and wisdom to someone who has the same vision of success that you have is one of the most rewarding feelings anyone can have.

You have the potential…now it’s time to succeed.

God Bless and Good Luck in your Endeavors!

Reco McDaniel

This article was written by Reco McDaniel. As a successful entrepreneur, Reco serves as president and CEO of two Atlanta-based marketing companies, C.O.D.E. R.E.D. Marketing (CRM) and Elite Profit Network (EPN). From coaching and consulting executives and sales teams on a monthly basis with CRM, to leading EPN in establishing strategic partnerships with hundreds of online distributors to deliver quality products and services, to providing solid home-based business opportunities nationwide, Reco is one of the greatest business minds of our time. For more information on Reco McDaniel, visit www.RecoMcDaniel.com.

The Truth About Determination

Determination is defined as fixed direction or tendency toward some object or end.

Self-Determination is defined as fixed direction or tendency toward some object or end by oneself or itself, without outside influence.

Many of my family members and even some of our friends did not understand why I was so excited about Network Marketing when I got involved almost 10 years ago. I was going to a great college, I had a great guaranteed job that was paying me well for my age, and it seemed that my future was already lined up for me. But regardless of their impression of Network Marketing and my decisions, I was determined to stick with it! Not only was I determined, I was self-determined to not only continue to build my Network Marketing business, but to become highly successful! So should you. You should have self-determination!

If you make up your mind that you’re going to do something, do it! Regardless of what anybody else says, create your plan and work it until it is completed. If you want to become successful, you know what, stay on track with this business and you will be. But if you listen to unsuccessful people that tell you, you can’t become successful, the real reason they say that is because they don’t know what success really is. If you have self-determination and stick to it you will win and you will WIN BIG! Self-determination is the KEY!!!

You can be your own prophet and predict what you want your life and future to be. It is a duty you owe yourself. Giving flimsy excuses about your under-achievement will not bring you comfort. There is one vital step you must take.

It is the ultimate step to your good life. It is a responsibility you owe yourself, your family, your community and your country. You need to develop the hidden potential in you and unleash your creative mind so the world can celebrate YOU one day.

What do you want for your life?

I believe you want to feel important and be treated that way as well. You certainly want to be an influential personality whose positive influence will transform the lives of others.

Here is the hallmark of self-determination. Most highly successful and effective people have used it as the insider magic key to success.

You’ve got to set the terms so that life can pay you what you want and are worth.

Below are 15 steps towards the self-determination you need!

1. Exercise great control over your mind and develop a positive mental attitude.

2. Never allow your past to haunt you. Reject any influence which encourage a negative mental attitude.

3. What do you want most in life? Define it. Go after it. Also help others to acquire similar benefits.

4. Get someone who you consider to be one of the finest people in the whole world in your own opinion and pattern your life after him/her in every possible way.

5. Outline the resources you need. Go ahead to acquire it. Think big but never be greedy.

6. Understand with great certainty that what makes you fail is not your situation or circumstance but your attitude and how you think about it.

7. No one can make you angry or hurt without your cooperation. Give no chance to anyone who attempts to exert destructive influence on you.

8. Concentrate your effort on the vital-few things that gives you more results and pay little attention to the trivial-many that add little results to your life.

9. Be grateful to God daily for what you have while setting your mind constantly on your desires.

10. Keeping up with the Joneses is dangerous. Steer clear of such bad habits.

11. Understand that power does not derive from material possessions. A man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possession. You can be rich in material possessions and still remain unhappy and unfulfilled.

12. Know surely that solutions exist for all your problems though it may not come as you want it.

13. Let nothing limit you. Your disadvantage could be overcome. Remember that Thomas Edison had just 3 months of schooling, yet he became the greatest inventor of all ages. What about Helen Keller? She waswithout sight, hearing or speech but she inspired many to self-discovery and success.

14. Associate always with people of like minds. Make certain to benefit maximally from other people’s knowledge and experience.

15. Believe that you can be free and self-determining. It is a magic key that open several doors.

Hopefully these are keys that you can use for exercising your self-determination on the way towards your dreams! Any goals or to-dos on your life to-do list, you should get started on completing those right away!

God Bless and Good Luck in your Endeavors!

Reco McDaniel

This article was written by Reco McDaniel. As a successful entrepreneur, Reco serves as president and CEO of two Atlanta-based marketing companies, C.O.D.E. R.E.D. Marketing (CRM) and Elite Profit Network (EPN). From coaching and consulting executives and sales teams on a monthly basis with CRM, to leading EPN in establishing strategic partnerships with hundreds of online distributors to deliver quality products and services, to providing solid home-based business opportunities nationwide, Reco is one of the greatest business minds of our time. For more information on Reco McDaniel, visit www.RecoMcDaniel.com.

9 Ways to Build Your Network

You have probably heard the saying, “Your network equals your networth!”

Since I have been an entrepreneur and building my own business for more than 9 years now, I know this statement to be very true! Because of my strong relationships and different associations, I have been blessed and fortunate to enjoy financial independence.

This is all very good but what happens if you don’t have a large professional network? I didn’t always have this network in place and I had to start from somewhere. Below I will share with you 9 ways on how to build up your professional network and increase your NETWORTH!

1. Join the social networks online.

The first step for anyone today wanting to expand their network is to join social networks. Look to join social networks such as LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter and many others, they will provide you with different connections. Keep it professional.

2. Attend business gatherings
All industries have key groups and organizations where people of similar backgrounds gather, many are free or require minimal investments other than your time. Informational seminars and Network Marketing meetings are a start. When I was 20, I joined a Network Marketing company. It changed my life!

3. Get a personal business card
If you are or you plan on being a businessperson, you need business cards. This is very professional and remember you never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression.

4. Meet 5 new people

Don’t always associate with the same people. Every time you go to a professional or social event make sure you meet at least 5 new people. Hand out your business cards and get theirs.

5. You are a brand
Brand yourself to your network in order to build it further, the more people that know you, the more people will want to know you. Construct a message and be consistent. When you’re unique and have a mission, people buy into that.

6. Become an information sponge
Use a contact management tool to record e-mails, phone numbers, and everything else you can about the people you know.

7. Take control of your virtual presence

Make sure that when people look for you online, your image is both accurate and flattering. Again, remember, anything you are putting out there is branding YOU!

8. Get a qualified mentor
Look for someone who is where you want to be and seek his or her guidance on getting there. Mentors can not only get you on track to becoming successful in your chosen field, they can also introduce you to other people that may increase the value of your network as well.

9. Take a leadership role in your industry
Write a blog to cover your domain, and perhaps create an online community around your unique interests.

These 9 tips are just a start to attaining the strong network that you will need to become a well-rounded success. Always remember that your association plays a major part in your success in life, as a whole. You are who you hang around and you are who you listen to. Start building the right network today with the right people and I will see you at the TOP!

God Bless and Good Luck in your Endeavors,

Reco McDaniel

This article was written by Reco McDaniel. As a successful entrepreneur, Reco serves as president and CEO of two Atlanta-based marketing companies, C.O.D.E. R.E.D. Marketing (CRM) and Elite Profit Network (EPN). From coaching and consulting executives and sales teams on a monthly basis with CRM, to leading EPN in establishing strategic partnerships with hundreds of online distributors to deliver quality products and services, to providing solid home-based business opportunities nationwide, Reco is one of the greatest business minds of our time. For more information on Reco McDaniel, visit www.RecoMcDaniel.com.

Negatives to Positives – Turn Your Life Around!!!

If we look up the word negative in Webster’s dictionary, you would find numerous definitions. There are two definitions that stand out to me:

Negative (adj.)
–    1. Lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness, or the like
2. Being without rewards, results, or effectiveness

Mostly everyone wants to excel and get ahead in one or more areas of their life. One of the reasons for their lack of success is Negatives. It is literally impossible to get ahead lacking in constructiveness, having no help or cooperativeness, and no optimism means no hope.

So if Negatives are holding most back from success. We must learn what Positives are and how switch to them. There are numerous definitions of the word positive in Webster’s Dictionary as well, but these two stand out to me most:

Positive (adj.) –    1. Emphasizing what is hopeful, or to the good; constructive
2. Confident in opinion or assertion; fully assured

Emphasizing and focusing on what is hopeful and what is good will get you on track to life change. After you focus on these points and become confident and fully assured of your direction, you will start the transition of Negatives to Positives.

Below are 3 ways to STOP Negatives and also 3 ways to START the Positives:

1. Stop reading the negative press in the newspaper and watching the TV News! Personally, I only read about relevant business articles in the newspaper from time to time and watch the TV News for the same reason. Everyone acknowledges that the newspaper and the TV News are mostly filled with negativity – murder, fire, war, disasters, etc. Stop feeding yourself with it! Believe me, you can’t help but be informed about major stories one way or another. We are bombarded. There is no need to go looking for it.

2. Stop seeking the negative on the internet!

Ever hear the expression, “You get what you focus on”? If you seek out negativity, you find it and it becomes your reality. I had a friend who, as Y2K (the year 2000) approached, was absolutely convinced that the world would come to an end (almost literally). Every night, he would spend hours on the internet reading about all the terrible things that were sure to happen at the stroke of midnight. He pleaded with me to stockpile food and water. He never spoke to me again after January 1, 2000. He really believed all his fears would come to fruition. He had sought out and focused on the negatives and came to believe them. Don’t dwell on seeking out and reading about negatives.

3. Stop hanging around negative people!
This is the MOST IMPORTANT of all the tips here on stopping negatives. Ever notice that all the folks with negative, small-minded attitudes always hang out together and all the successful, big-minded people hang out together as well? Coincidence? NO! Remove yourself from the negative crowd. Avoid negative people as much as possible. In short, if you can’t change the people you hang around, change the people you hang around.

When you STOP the negatives, you are positioned to START the positives below:

1. Start hanging around positive people!
Positive association is one of the keys to success. Positive association leads to creativity, partnerships, solutions, and bigger dreams. Mark Twain once said, “Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

2. Start reading!
It’s often said that the books you read and the people you associate with determine where you will be in five years. Where do you want to be? Start reading books about people you admire. Read personal growth books, books on success principles, books about others who overcame challenges, and motivational books.

3. Start listening!
Start using your windshield time as a time to learn and grow. Instead of mindlessly listening to music or talk on the radio, pop in a tape or CD. Listen to audio books, motivational CD’s, or even music that lifts and energizes you. Create a mix of music on a CD or IPod that gets you and your attitude fired up for that next meeting, presentation, or prospect.

By acquiring, maintaining, and protecting a positive attitude, you will see your success grow and your enjoyment of life improve. You’ll become more attractive (in every way) and will increasingly find other like-minded people to be around. Your very success depends on YOU going from Negatives to Positives, so get started today!

God Bless and Good Luck in your Endeavors,

Reco McDaniel

This article was written by Reco McDaniel. As a successful entrepreneur, Reco serves as president and CEO of two Atlanta-based marketing companies, C.O.D.E. R.E.D. Marketing (CRM) and Elite Profit Network (EPN). From coaching and consulting executives and sales teams on a monthly basis with CRM, to leading EPN in establishing strategic partnerships with hundreds of online distributors to deliver quality products and services, to providing solid home-based business opportunities nationwide, Reco is one of the greatest business minds of our time. For more information on Reco McDaniel, visit www.RecoMcDaniel.com.